Tuesday, August 5, 2008

about matt and jeff hardy

they are one of the great players.matt hardy defeats MPV,mark henryand more.jeff hardy defeats the great khali,MVP,umaga and more.matt defeats MVP in blacklash with his twist of faith and got the united states chmpionship titleand he defeats mark henry within 35s using twist of faith too.jeff hardy defeats MVP in judgement day and umaga in one night stand in a parkng lot brawl match using whisper in the wind and jeff`s moves are whisper in the wind,swantan bomb.

Friday, August 1, 2008

racial harmony day

I think racial harmony mean all races having harmony and live in peace.It is very important as if there is no racial harmony day,there will be riots all around the world and different races will kill each other.I think different races get along well with each other and for example:Cheng Jun and Atika get along well althouhg they are from different races.I do have some malay friends in singapore someone like Ujit,who always play'zah' with me whenever he meets me and the other is my neighbour`s son.Although i do not know his name but we get along very well.An the last one who is not really a friend of mine but i still count him in.Diky,5.10,a malay.i know him when he provoke me and we ha ve a little fight but all went well after that fight and i harly speak to him.I promote racial harmony day on my blog as i know it is popular and anyone see it will love it.


While,i think cyber-bullying is when someone told something that is not true about the others.Those bully will act as something that they are not and lie to people and get their information and then blackmail them or they will put it on net.I think they just want some exicement and by lieing to the person,they think is fun to do it.I will tell my friend about it and call the police and let thepolice arrest them.Lucky for me,i have never encountered cyber-bullying on me.I will stop the cyberbullies and tell the victims to delete the message away.